Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Orang lebih suka tgok kita susah....

Semalam mmg sgt memenatkan bg umi...pukul 8a.m umi hantar harithasif ke rumah pengasuh...kemudian brsama2 abi ke kuantan...(abi kena attend kursus di hotel M.S arini kitaorg berkongsi kereta.
Lps antar abi, umi drive ke ofis...kemudian ke court...Hari ni pendengaran permohonan pihak defendan ke-3 untuk mengenepikan penghakiman ingkar yg telah direkodkan ...(umi act for the plaintif-bank)..kami minta tangguh sebenarnya sebab kami masih belum memfilekan affidavit reply...& sorry to say that court tak benarkan any postponement...means that the case have to proceed today..aiyoo...

Umi mnta tangguh sebentar...then drive to the office...(5mnutes from court to the office)..want to discuss with my boss but she was on, any how i have to handle it myself...(then i realize that i really have big responsbility..oh, welcome to the real world). Then, i drove back to the court, called the defendant's counsel..however, i can't reach him because he still not come in the office (i missed my h.set at home..huhh) using a public phone, i just leave a msge thru the staffs hoping that she will infom the counsel regarding the matter that have to be proceed today no matter how. So, mohon untuk tangguh ke pukul 3 memandangkan defendan & counsel dari seremban...

Umi jalan ke kereta...noticed ada kereta sebelah himpit kereta...umi parkng tepi skit tepi still xmsuk petak orang..lagi...sebelah dia tupun kawasan lpang..start enjin...nk reverse tp mmg dekat sgt..risau sgt terlanggar kereta umi decide jalan kaki ke ofis...i quessed that the car belongs to the customer so maybe she's having their treament at the beauty i don't want to disturb them so i decided to walk to the office. During the lunch hour, i went to my car, got something from it..noticed that the car besides still there..

I went to office back...took the file..thinking what i can do with it..the case cannot be postponed...not even tomorrow..timbul perasaan kesian kepada pihak defendan & the counsel from seremban that have to be here before 3p.m...seems to be impossible for them..Actually the 3rd defendan who want to set aside the judgement against him was the borrower's quarantor...& he is a goverment servant. Thus, because of the judgment maybe quite difficult for him to made housing loan i use my discretion power not to object the application but i asked him to enter the defence & maybe will ask later that the signature was not his and he claimedd that he never entered the agreement.

So, i called the court...imformed that i have no objection  to the application...if i was cruel person, i can just ask the court to struck off the application as the dfendant failed to attend the court. But i am not that cruel, i still a human who have a heart. My principle is that i will try to help people as much as i can...insyaAllah..
So, i called the def'scounsel infromed them that i mention on behalf of they do not hve to come (actually they were on the gombak at the time). Perhap they glad to hear that...

So, 2.40 pm i stepped of to the court...and half of the way, one old man..i guess 50yers tegur...      
cik, pakcik rasa kereta biru tu orang kedai tu punye..dia saje dengki ngn awak tu..tu yg dia block kete awak..dia mmg selalu kurang ajar..tadi dia tgok awak cuba reverse kete..saje dia tak kluar, padahal dia nmpk...dia ambil2 gambar dari dalam...

Erm, betul la macam yg ku agak, orang tu saje je wat camtu...intentionally...then masuk kedai dia, ckp elok2...auntie,tau tak kereta sapa punye depan tu?..dia cakap,kete i punye...u salah parking...cakap balik kat dia...tadi saya nak cepat, ke tepi sedikit...tapi saya tak masuk parking auntie..apa salahnya auntie ke kiri sedikit..bnyk lg ruang tepi tu..yg auntie himpit kete saya kenpa?kang terlanggar kete mahal auntie macamana?..dia jawab lg...xkan u xleh lesen terbang..hampeh betul makcik lah auntie...lesen i bukan terbang punya..tapi kalu auntie block punggung kete saya, macamana nak keluar..bertimbang rasa la sikit..aku terus keluar dari kedai dia...then dia ikut kuar, konon nk tolong bg need la makcik oii..tak pyah berpura-pura baikla..huhh..then, datang pakcik yg tegur aku tadi, u ni pun, u mmg kurang ajar, mmg suka buat org susah...yg u himpit kete dia knapa?..oh, aku xtau...kang dh kna marah makcik tu...aku pun reverse kuar dengan bantuan pakcik & auntie tu (kononnya)...seblum jlan aku bagi hon kat pakcik tu smbil angkat tngan sebagai ucapan terima kasih padanya....sambil duk drive tu still duk pikir, apalah dosaku pada autie tu...rasanya tak pernah kenal pun dia....tu 1st time parking depan kedai dia...hurmm...kenapalah ada orang macam tu dlm dunia ni...


  1. hari yg busy..bertambah kelam-kabut dgn manusia yg camtu kan.. kata rambut sama hitam(wpun sbnrnya mcm2 kaler skang) tp hati lain2..

  2. mmg kelam kabutla aritu..hrp xjmpa lg org yg xbrtimbng rsa..hehe..rambut org skrg dh mcm2 color..hihi
